according to the book, you are supposed to give Swedish pronunciation of the words. There are no directions on how to get the sound part of the lesson book
Good luck with your studies!
Dan, Folkuniversitetets förlag
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according to the book, you are supposed to give Swedish pronunciation of the words. There are no directions on how to get the sound part of the lesson book
Hello Ken,
you’ll find the sound part of the lesson book here on
hej, kan jag hitta svarar för övningsbok? jag studerar själv och vill jag vet är mina svarar rätt eller nej?
Hej Sophia!
Man kan köpa ett facit till övningsboken:
Lycka till med dina studier i svenska!
Dan, Folkuniversitetets förlag
Hej ! Where can I please find the solutions for the Text Exercises in the Nybörjarsvenska Övningsbok ? Tack !
Hej Miguel!
You can purchase an answer key to the exercise book:
Good luck with your studies!
Dan, Folkuniversitetets förlag